What are metal roofing profiles?
If you’re new to metal roofing and trying to get it set up in your construction estimating software, you might be wondering what some of the terminology means. A common one that you will run into very often is the term metal roofing profile; if that’s still a little confusing, you’re in the right place. Here’s what you need to know.
What is a metal roofing profile?
The term “metal roofing profile” refers to the shape of the metal roofing when you look at it on the short end of the sheet. Some metal roofing profiles look like a series of waves, or S bends, in the case of traditional corrugated roofing, but others have different patterns of raised areas and troughs.
Some, like standing seam metal roofing, might have a very large flatter area, known as the “pan” of the roofing material, with narrow seams that stand upright.
Why are metal roofing products shaped the way they are?
You might think that metal roofing has different profiles purely for aesthetic reasons, and that’s all there is to it, but that’s not true. The primary reason behind the design and profile of metal roofing is to move water quickly and efficiently off the roofing materials, into your gutters, and down the downspouts. Of course, standing water on any roof is not a good thing, and most metal roofing profiles are very good at moving large quantities of water off a roof very quickly.
Some roofing profiles are better than others, though; some work just as well at lower roof pitches, while some are better suited to steeper roof designs. So if you’re considering metal roofing for a project, be sure to check with the manufacturer what their recommended minimum pitch is for any specific product.
How are metal roofing profiles made?
Like many metal products used in construction, metal roofing profiles are roll-formed on large machines that use different types of rollers and tooling for different types of roofing. Most metal roofing products are rolled in factories, but some are rolled on-site using mobile mills, which means there are fewer transport and freight costs, and since they don’t need to fit on a flat bed, your roof sheets can be longer than they usually would.
Metal roofing can also be curved and cranked to accommodate curved roof features, making them a versatile roofing product.
Our top tip for working with metal roofing profiles in your construction estimating software
If you plan to offer metal roofing as an option to your roofing company’s customers and you’re new to this type of roof, the best tip we have to set it up in your construction estimating software is to choose two or three profiles and stick to those as much as possible.
Each type of metal roofing will have different cover widths, different hardware and fixing methods, and other differences that might affect the estimate. Getting limited options dialed in and getting used to them first will make generating accurate quotes much easier.