Best tools for general contractors
Going digital in the back office of your construction company, upgrading your construction estimating software, and using labor-saving apps is a great way to improve productivity and profitability, but the truth is most of the construction process still happens on-site and still involves getting your hands dirty.
The good news is that you can embrace technology in the field, too, and there are some fantastic tools that can help. Here’s a list of our best tools for general contractors and why you should consider investing in them:
- A laser line level - Just one day of using this kind of level is enough to prove its worth – so ditch the chalk lines, spirit levels, and other old-fashioned tools and put one of these on every job site
- A non-contact voltage tester - They’re so much safer, and even if you’re not an electrician, every contractor comes into contact with wires that they’re not sure about – this solves the problem
- Metal tag or label stamping machines - Tools go missing on site all the time, but this machine lets you label the actual metal, so it’s a lot easier to find them again
- A concrete moisture meter - It’s not an exact science, and it usually takes measurements close to the surface of your concrete, but this tool can tell you if your concrete beams, slabs, floors, or stairs are drying and hardening as they should be
- A GPS measuring tool - Because let’s face it, measuring with a tape measure or even a measuring wheel is time-consuming, not as accurate as you’d like, and difficult on active job sites – these tools will plot exact points so you can calculate distances accurately no matter what your site looks like
- An asset tracking system - Think of it as air tags for your tools and equipment – these systems can help you to locate and manage your tools and equipment better, maximizing resources and even finding stolen tools
- A dust collector - This machine connects to several dust-producing tools and pieces of equipment and helps to suction all the dust and debris away from the work area – that’s not only much better for employee help, but it also keeps your work area cleaner and makes it easier to inspect your work
- Motorized wheelbarrows - There’s always going to be places your trucks and vehicles can’t fit, but motorized wheelbarrows mean you can still get materials and tools where they need to go
Investing in tools, equipment, and technology offers amazing ROI for contractors of all sizes. The tools and equipment on our list of best tools for general contractors will save you time, help prevent mistakes, and cut down on lost and stolen tools. That all adds up to more money in your bank account, and that makes great construction business sense.