Why Bathroom Remodelling Software Is a Good Investment
If you’re like many construction company owners, you don’t mind spending money on equipment and vehicles, but when it comes to intangible things like software and digital marketing, you’re a little skeptical. That’s entirely understandable. You can see the real-world effects of new tools and vehicles immediately. But you might be wondering what the return on investment is for investing in bathroom remodelling software. If you’re still not sure, consider the following.
Time Is Money
You know this from your job sites. Time really is money in the construction world. The crews that get the jobs done faster make your company more money. Delays and standing time cost you money. There’s a direct relationship between how long jobs take and how much you make. That’s true in your office too. Your bookkeeper, receptionist, estimators, salespeople, and operations manager all cost you money too, and the more they can get done in a day, the more money you save. If they’re getting things done faster, they can get more done in a day. Productivity goes up, and costs per man hour goes down. The right kind of bathroom remodelling software can help everyone who works behind the scenes to do their jobs faster, so your costs go down and profits go up.
Reducing Errors
One of the biggest wild cards in the construction world is always human error. A measurement that’s taken down wrong. A calculation error when you’re working out a quote. Painting a vanity the wrong color. The right kind of bathroom remodelling software helps to eliminate errors in the estimating process as well as in the field, by being a “single source of truth.” Everyone involved in the process from quote to handover has access to the same, detailed information, so there are fewer mistakes. It’s much easier to simply pass all the project information to your team from your software than to rewrite it, or worse, tell them what you want done. Because we all know how that goes!
Improving Client Satisfaction
We all know that when you’re in construction, the most important person in the company is the customer. Not only are they paying your salary for this job, but they’re your ticket to future work too. If things go right.One unhappy customer won’t derail your business, but if you start getting lots of customer complaints, it can cause trouble for your reputation and your business. Of course, customers want quality materials and workmanship, but they also want communication. Good bathroom remodelling software helps you to keep your customers in the loop. Whether it’s getting their quotes out to them faster, giving them all the options they want to consider, or keeping them informed about project changes, staying in touch is one of the most important things you can do for your business.
Manage Materials
If you don’t know exactly how much material has been allowed for every project, what your estimated costs are and how much you’re ordering for every project, you’re going to be in trouble fast. Estimating is never an exact science, but if you’re consistently using a lot more material than youestimated, either you need to fix your estimating system or you have a security problem. Good bathroom remodelling software helps you to create comprehensive, detailed material lists for every project. So, you can track how much you’re spending on materials, and make sure that you don’t have any problems that need to be addressed.
Create Accurate Project Schedules
If you’ve allowed ten days to do a job, and your crew takes fifteen, you’re losing money. Labor is always harder to estimate, but if you’re consistently coming up short on your labor estimates, either your crews aren’t as productive as they should be, or your estimating needs to be tweaked. A good bathroom remodelling software package will allow you to track exactly how much labor you’ve built into every quote, so you can compare it with the actual time it takes to do the job. When there’s a problem, you can identify it early, find out what is causing the delay, and take appropriate action.
Easier Staff Onboarding
By the time you’ve been in the bathroom remodelling business for a few years, you’ve got a system of some kind to do just about everything in your business. People who have been with you for a while probably understand it, but sometimes, when you need to bring on new people, you struggle to teach them how it all works. Modernizing your business and relying on a good bathroom remodelling software package makes it easier to onboard and train new people. Even better, if it’s user friendly and easy to learn, you can get them up to speed faster, and that is always good for the bottom line.
Access Anywhere
If you’re still relying on duplicate books, spreadsheets, and paper folders, you’re very much tied to your office. When a customer asks a question and you’re not close to your office, there’s a good chance you won’t have answers on the spot. But good bathroom remodelling software these days is on the cloud. Which means that if you have an internet connection and a smart phone, you have access to your office from anywhere. So, whether you need to send an urgent quote while you’re out of town or answer a customer question on site, you’ve got all the information you need in your pocket.
Better Presentation
Finally, if you’re still wondering of bathroom remodelling software is a good investment, remember that customers today pay close attention to how you present yourself. If you look like you’re old fashioned, outdated, and disorganized, they’re going to assume that’s how your work looks too. So even if you’re the best bathroom remodelling company in town, you’re going to make a bad impression, and you might even lose jobs to companies that aren’t as good but are better at presenting themselves to customers. Good bathroom remodelling software makes you look organized and on top of things. It gives customers the assurance that you know what you’re doing, and that you care enough about your business to invest in technology. That, alone, goes a long way these days.
CostCertified Helps You Build Better Bathrooms
CostCertified is a great bathroom remodelling software, but it’s so much more than that too. It’s a material price engine that uses smart crawler technology to ensure you’re always using the very latest prices from your material suppliers. It’s a smart project management tool that helps you track productivity, manage change orders, and keep your crews up to date about scope changes. It’s an accounting tool that makes invoicing easier, and plugs right into your accounting software, so you can save time and avoid data transfer errors. It’s also completely customizable, so you can set it up to work the way you do and is one of the most user friendly and easy to master construction software packages out there. All that – and more – and it’s still one of the most affordable options in bathroom remodeling software out there. So, if you’re ready to run your company more efficiently, save time and money in the back office and on site, take control of materials and productivity and more, connect with our team for a free, no obligation demo of the system, and find out how technology can take your bathroom remodelling business to the next level.