What is the best construction measuring tool for your business?
Before you can estimate and quote any project, you first need to do a proper take-off, and that starts with taking accurate measurements.
Like everything else in your construction business, having the right tools for the job helps to improve accuracy and productivity. So, let’s look at the different kinds of construction measuring tools you might use for different types of measuring.
Measuring Tapes
Measuring tapes are the simplest type of construction measuring tool, and they’re ideal for when you have shorter distances to measure.
To get the most out of this type of construction measuring tool, you should have more than one available. Get yourself a good quality retractable metal tape measure for up to 20 or 25 feet, and then get a 100-foot or longer tape that you can use for larger measurements.
Measuring Wheels
When you’ve got to measure more than a hundred feet, and you can walk along the site feature you’re measuring, a measuring wheel is a great, affordable measuring option.
These are available in a variety of sizes and designs, and some can even fold up for easy storage.
Measuring wheels aren’t 100% accurate, but they’re close enough that if you use them correctly, you can get the dimensions you need to generate a quote. They’re also more accurate if you have to measure a site that has a lot of topography for something like fencing because you can follow the exact route that the fence will take.
GPS Measuring Tools
The last kind of construction measuring tool you might want to consider for your project is one of the many GPS measuring and survey tools on the market. Many of these are handheld, so you can walk to various points of your site and log the exact coordinates.
GPS measuring tools are much more accurate, but if you use one that only plots points, ends, and corners, you might not get all the measurement data related to site topography. So, if you need to factor that into your quotes, you might need to do other kinds of measuring, like surveying gradients.
Capture Measurement Data as Quickly as Possible
Regardless of which construction measurement tools you choose for your business, the next important thing to remember is that you should always capture the data as quickly as possible, and if you can avoid data transfer from paper to various kinds of software, try to do that, too.
Taking a laptop or tablet that has access to your construction estimating software is ideal because it means you can save the information directly into that system, so when you get back to the office, you can start working on a quote without any delays.
Accurate measuring for any project or quote is one of the most important steps in the quoting process. So, if you don’t have all the measuring tools you need to do the job efficiently and accurately, it might be time for an upgrade.
In conclusion, selecting the right construction measuring tools is crucial for accurate project estimation. Whether using measuring tapes for shorter distances, measuring wheels for medium-range projects, or GPS tools for precision, the key is to capture measurement data swiftly.
For streamlined efficiency, consider investing in construction estimating software. Bolster offers a comprehensive solution, enhancing accuracy and productivity. Upgrade your tools and embrace technology for seamless quoting processes and enhanced business performance.