7 Benefits of roof estimating software for your services
Picture this: you’re managing many roofing projects and business is booming. Everything’s going great—until a potential customer calls you and you realize you don’t know what price to give them for the work they want done.
You go through old files, looking at how much you’ve charged before. You speak with your contractors about hourly rates. Your potential customer is on the other end of the line, waiting.
If they don’t hear from you soon, they’ll hang up. This is why it’s so important to have roof-estimating software.
When it comes to running your roofing business smoothly, you need to have the right types of software.
Otherwise, you can get caught up in timely processes that slow down how many projects you can take on and how much money you can make.
Fortunately, estimating software for roofing has many benefits and solutions that can help. In this article, we’ll review all the benefits.
Finally, you can run your business better than ever and earn even more money from happy customers. Read on to learn more.
1. Faster Quotes
However many different roofing services you offer, one of the biggest benefits of using roof estimating software is that you can get faster quotes. The old-fashioned way of taking your time to come up with a quote just doesn’t work anymore.
Think about it this way. In today’s modern world, customers are used to getting what they need quickly. Whether they’re pulling up information on a smartphone in a couple of seconds or ordering an Amazon delivery to arrive the next day, they have a need for speed.
If you takes days or weeks to provide your customer with a quote, it doesn’t look professional.
Additionally, your potential customer might get impatient and choose to go with a competitor. In addition to losing their customer loyalty, you’ll lose the money you could have made from installing or fixing their roof.
With roof estimating software, you won’t have these issues. When talking to customers, you can give them a quote quickly, no matter how complicated.
They’ll be more likely to take you on for the job—and become lifelong customers after you’ve completed the roofing project.
2. Accurate Prices
Did you know that, according to PM Problems, contractors can very easily lose money on projects? This happens quite often, with one of the common reasons being underbidding projects or opting for a price that's too low.
Many times, contractors don't know their costs. Fortunately, good estimating software forces them to know their costs so that their estimates are accurate and they aren't losing money.
Everything is automated, with your most common roofing project prices already in the system. You won’t make a mistake again with your prices.
3. Track Costs
When you’re running a business like a roof construction company, there’s a lot of money going in and out. In addition to the money you’re paid for your work, you have outgoing costs like labor pay for contractors and what you spent on construction materials.
Managing all this can be stressful. Additionally, if there are any errors made, you could end up losing a large amount of money.
With roof estimating software, you can keep track of your business’s cash flow. You won’t have to worry anymore about losing money or having any financial mix-ups.
4. Great Buying Experience for Customers
When you use roof estimating software, you provide a great buying experience to your customers. Really good estimating software, like Bolster, allows the customer to interact with it since it is digital.
They can upgrade and make their selections instead of going back and forth with the roofing contractor. This gives convenience and clarity to the customer and saves a ton of time for the contractor.
When customers have a great buying experience, they’re more likely to come back to your business for more work. They’ll also recommend your roofing company to other people via word-of-mouth.
As a result, you’ll have a larger customer base and one that’s loyal, too.
5. Automated Reminders
Another benefit of roof estimating software is that you get automated reminders regarding ongoing projects and invoices. This is useful when you have multiple clients and quotes you’re dealing with because you’ll never get behind.
Additionally, you can set up these automated reminders for anyone who needs to receive them. For example, if a contractor is working with a specific client, they’ll get notifications exactly when they need to.
You’ll also get paid faster because you won’t forget to take that final step of sending an invoice to your client.
6. Organized Leads List
With many of the options for roof estimating software, you can get an organized leads list. Once your clients have called in for a quote, you can put all their details in. This makes it easier to reach out to them in the future and improve your sales.
7. Easy to Use
Roof-estimating software is also incredibly easy to use. It’s designed specifically for the roofing industry, which means that you can put in all the information you need and add up parts of quotes easily. Additionally, everyone on your team will understand how to use it.
The Best Roof Estimating Software for You
Now that you’ve learned about all the benefits of roof estimating software for your services, you might be curious about where you can find the best roof estimating software for you. To find it, all you have to do is see what Bolster has to offer.
At Bolster, we’re experts when it comes to construction estimating software. We offer roof estimating software, too. To learn more about what we can offer, try out our software for free.