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In-Depth: How estimating software calculates costs - How construction estimating software calculates costs

Written by Bolster | Jan 16, 2022 7:00:00 AM

As an experienced residential contractor, I've been in the game for a while, and I've got some stories to tell. Remember the days of whipping out the old calculator, scribbling down numbers, and crossing fingers that you didn't miss anything? Yep, I've been there. However, in today's fast-paced world, relying on traditional methods alone just won't cut it. This is where construction estimating software, like Bolster, comes in to save the day.

The Magic Behind the Screen

Estimating software is a bit like that handy toolbox you carry around. Inside, there's a tool for just about every task. These software solutions come loaded with various algorithms, databases, and features that simplify our tasks.

Material and Labor Costs

Let's start with the basics. Software, like Bolster, dives deep into databases filled with current material and labor costs. Remember that time you underestimated the cost of lumber and took a hit on the project? I've been there, too. But these tools pull real-time data, ensuring you're working with the latest numbers. No more unpleasant surprises!

For a better understanding of labor rates, check out the article on how to calculate labor rates costs for construction estimate.

Variable and Fixed Costs

This is a distinction I learned the hard way early in my career. Software solutions seamlessly differentiate between variable versus fixed costs. This ensures that while material costs might fluctuate, your profit margins remain stable.

Square Footage and Volume Calculations

I once took on a project where I miscalculated the square footage by just a smidge (alright, a lot). Estimating software makes these calculations a breeze. It even extends to specialized tasks like calculating concrete volume. You can forget those days of frantic recalculations.

Work in Progress and Overhead Costs

Managing ongoing projects can be quite a juggling act. Tools like Bolster's AutoCost come in handy for calculating work in progress. Plus, with insights on calculating overhead costs, you're set to ensure that everything from rentals to salaries is covered.

Benefits Beyond Just Numbers

Having accurate estimates is just the tip of the iceberg. With advanced software, you also get:

Personal Anecdote: My Aha! Moment

A few years back, I was working on a complex project. Halfway through, the client made significant changes, throwing my estimates out of whack. Back then, I was still relying on manual calculations. Let's just say things got messy.

Fast forward to today, and with tools like Bolster, such changes are handled seamlessly. The magic of remodeling estimate software lies in its adaptability.

The Future is Here

There's a growing trend in the construction world: fast, interactive quotes. This shift isn't just a fancy gimmick but an essential tool for businesses that want to stay ahead.

If you're still on the fence about switching to estimating software, take it from someone who's seen both sides: the grass is greener over here. And if you're looking for more insights, there's a wealth of knowledge available in Bolster's guide to construction bidding and their extensive blog section.

Final Thoughts

Adopting technology, especially in a field as dynamic as construction, is no longer optional. It's a necessity. By incorporating estimating software into your toolkit, you're not just making your life easier but also ensuring your business thrives in this competitive market. Remember, in construction, it's not just about building structures but also about building a future. Happy estimating!