Bolster Blog

Get ahead in Calgary: Construction growth blueprint - Growing my residential construction business in Calgary

Written by Bolster | Jan 15, 2022 7:00:00 AM


Hey there, fellow Calgarian! If you're anything like me, you've witnessed Calgary's residential construction landscape boom right before our eyes. I still remember my first project in the heart of the city, and oh boy, how times have changed!

Understanding Calgary’s Construction Dynamics

Economic Influences on Construction

Remember the big oil boom? Well, that and increasing immigration rates have ramped up housing demand like never before. It's been a rollercoaster, but understanding these dynamics is essential for anyone in our line of work.

Calgary's Unique Building Challenges

Oh, and don't get me started on those cold winters! Building in Calgary isn't just about throwing up walls. It's about ensuring they withstand our notorious weather and unique geographical challenges.

The Essentials for Successful Growth in Calgary

Networking is Gold

One of my game-changing moments? Attending a local construction trade show. The connections and word-of-mouth referrals I got there were invaluable.

Investing in Modern Estimating Tools

Speaking of game-changers, Bolster's AutoCost has been a savior for my estimates. It's taken the guessing out of bidding and made my projects more competitive and profitable.

Skilled Labor – Your Greatest Asset

I've always believed a company is only as good as its team. Investing in top talent and training has transformed my projects, making every build smoother than the last.

Navigating Calgary's Regulatory Landscape

Keeping Up with Permits and Codes

Ah, bureaucracy. We've all been there. Remember that time I overlooked a tiny permitting detail? Two weeks of delays! That taught me the importance of keeping up with local codes and permits.

Green Building and Sustainability Trends

With the push towards sustainable construction in Calgary, it's a no-brainer to get on board. It's not just good for the earth; it's good for business. Did you check out my recent green project on Bolster's blog?

Future-Proofing Your Construction Business

Embracing Sustainable and Efficient Practices

This is where we, as contractors, need to step up. Adopting energy-efficient building methods isn't just a trend; it's the future.

Diversifying Project Portfolios

Diversity is stability. I've taken on both small renovations and massive residential projects. And you know what? It ensured I had steady revenue, even when the industry had its lulls.

Wrapping Up: My Top Tips for Aspiring Contractors in Calgary

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

The industry is always evolving. Just when you think you've got things down, a curveball comes your way. Continuous learning has been my mantra, and it's served me well.

Community Engagement and Giving Back

One of my proudest moments was being involved in a local community project. It didn't just bring in more business; it brought immense satisfaction.


It's been a wild ride, and the future of construction in Calgary is brighter than ever. If you're looking to dominate the scene, invest in growth, adapt, and always keep the community at heart. And hey, while you're at it, check out the benefits of project scheduling in construction for some insider tips. Happy building!