Bolster Blog

Digital construction estimate software - Wow your customers!

Written by Bolster | May 18, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Most construction software still use static estimates that are sent via email attachment. We are in 2020 so you'd think construction estimates would be digitized, right? Everyone expects technology to make things better but with construction it's as if we're still back in the 90's.

The good news is that Bolster is digitizing the entire construction management process from building a quote to sending a quote to how the quote is viewed by the customer to tracking costs to one-click payment fulfillment. And our digital construction estimates are unlike anything you've seen in construction! Imagine being able to send a digital estimate that your customer gets as a link in their email and all they need to do is click it and view it on any device.

Imagine your customer being able to interact with your estimate such as upgrade or downgrade or add optional items and see the price change in real-time! Imagine not needing to give "allowance pricing" and letting your customers "play" with their quote on their own with no pressure while making all their selections. Sound too good to be true?Well, it's already built. And contractors around the world are already taking advantage of Bolster's digital construction estimate software giving them an edge over their competition. Re-estimates and change orders are very close to being automated. No longer do you need to spend hours putting together a static quote and tracking all the changes.

Now you can send a quick, accurate estimate in minutes that your customers can interact with. And all of your versions (change orders) are tracked digitally in seamless way so that you never lose track of any changes.The truth is it's crazy this hasn't been done before. Why contractors are still using static estimates sent by email is crazy. The future of construction is here.

The best part?

Bolster platform is free. There's no monthly license fee! Unlimited leads, unlimited users, unlimited digital proposals, and much more. There's a one-time set-up fee to make sure you're setup properly and get the most out of it but there's no cost to use it every month. Join all the other contractors around the world and start digitizing your business and offer your customers a way better experience.