Bolster Blog

Building against the odds: Essential contingency planning for residential projects

Written by Bolster | Jan 14, 2022 7:00:00 AM

In the world of residential construction, planning for the unexpected isn't just a good idea—it's essential for survival. As a seasoned contractor who's navigated the highs and lows of building homes, I can tell you that every project is a wild ride of its own. And when you're dealing with homes, you're not just building structures; you're crafting someone's future sanctuary. It’s not just about getting the job done; it's about doing it with foresight, so when the odds are against you, you're not caught off-guard.

Understanding the Need for a Construction Contingency

Here's the thing about construction: no matter how much you plan, you're bound to hit a snag or two (or ten). Maybe it's a hidden foundation issue, a delay in materials, or even a sudden change in building codes. That's where a solid construction contingency plan comes into play.

It's essentially your plan B, C, and D. It's not just having extra screws and lumber on hand; it’s about financial buffers and timeline flexibilities. And as someone who’s been knee-deep in estimating costs, I’ve learned that a contingency isn't a luxury—it's a necessity.

Setting Up Your Contingency Budget

The first rule of contingency planning? Set aside a budget. Now, I’ve had projects where the budget was tighter than a drum, but squeezing in that contingency budget was non-negotiable. Industry standards suggest 5-10%, but that can change based on the complexity of the job. And trust me, when you need it, you'll be glad it's there.

Identifying Risks Early

Early in my career, I learned the hard way that surprises in construction are seldom the good kind. That's why identifying potential risks at the very beginning is crucial. Walk through the site, review the plans, and anticipate what could go wrong. This step alone can save you countless hours and dollars.

I remember this one project where the soil seemed fine at first glance, but a more thorough inspection revealed it was as stable as a house of cards. That early catch prevented what would have been a foundational nightmare.

Effective Communication Strategies

In the chaos of construction, communication is king. It's not enough for me to know the ins and outs of a project schedule—my team, the suppliers, and the homeowners need to be in the loop as well. This means regular updates and transparent conversations, especially when discussing potential delays or budget issues.

Flexibility in Project Scheduling

Anyone in the construction game will tell you that a rigid schedule is a rookie mistake. Delays happen. Weather, labor hiccups, even those times when the wrong materials show up. I schedule with cushion days. It might make the project look longer on paper, but in reality, it keeps us on track.

Leveraging Technology for Contingency Planning

I've seen tech transform this industry. Using construction estimating software like Bolster has revolutionized how we approach projects. With real-time data and interactive quotes, we can adjust on the fly—a game-changer for contingency planning.

Planning for Quality Control

Don't forget, the quality of your work is your signature. It can be tempting to cut corners when you hit a snag, but that's a gamble you don't want to take. I plan for quality control checks at every stage. Sometimes it feels like overkill, but I sleep better at night knowing each phase meets my standards.

Managing Client Expectations

Clients look at their home projects through rose-colored glasses. It’s our job to provide a realistic picture without dimming their excitement. That means clear communication from the get-go about what could go wrong and how we plan to handle it. Setting client expectations isn’t about scaring them; it’s about preparing them for the construction journey.

Documenting Everything

One word: documentation. If it's not written down, it didn't happen. This isn't just for liability; it’s for clarity. When an issue pops up, I can reference back to what was agreed upon. Plus, it helps with any potential disputes down the line.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Lastly, every project, with its unique challenges, is a lesson. I debrief with my team after every build, noting what worked and what didn't. This process isn't just about improving; it's about evolving our practices so that with every home we build, we're better than we were.

Building against the odds isn’t about expecting the worst; it’s about preparing for it. With thorough contingency planning, a project can ride out the storm and come out shining. It’s not just about completing a build; it’s about standing by your work with integrity, come what may.